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Sam Adams files as Libertarian for Florida 6th District
A new candidate emerges in Florida
Daytona Beach, FL – 4/9/2019 – Today, Sam Adams of Daytona Beach has officially filed his candidacy with the FEC for the 2020 Election for Florida’s 6th Congressional District. Mr. Adams intends to run a campaign based on conservative and libertarian principles of non-government interference, tax and federal government reduction, and the protection of American’s inalienable rights. Mr. Adams has a dream of working within the community to take the concerns and wishes of his constituents back to Washington in the form of adoptable legislation that is constitutionally founded and inarguable in Congress. Mr. Adams plans to be in attendance at as many community events as possible, in order to interact with his fellow district 6 members, and will be announcing those appearances as they become available.
In his own words – Sam Adams is filed as the Libertarian Candidate in the district and had the following to say when announcing his candidacy, “I am proud to announce that I have filed the necessary forms with the Federal Election Committee validating my intention and legitimacy to run for Congressman of Florida’s wonderful 6th Congressional District. The next year and a half is going to be dedicated to interacting with the people of the district, sharing views and opinions, values and goals, and putting together a plan, to take to Washington, that declares our inalienable freedoms and forces our Congress to take responsibility and action in the best interest of the American People. I am confident that if we stand united and work together, we can accomplish any goal we seek.”