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The most current news related to Sam Adams campaign for Florida’s 6th Congressional District. 

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Sam Adams meets members of CD 6 at Celtic Festival

Collecting Petitions for ballot access in a kilt.

Daytona Beach, FL – 4/13-14/2019 – Over the weekend, new Libertarian candidate for Congress, Samuel Adams, spent 2 days talking with registered voters in district 6 about his platform and collecting petitions to participate on the ballot for congress in 2020. The event was wonderfully run and featured vendors and musical guests that helped celebrate America’s enriched history with citizens of Celtic backgrounds. 

In his own words – Sam Adams had this to say, “This is an absolutely wonderful event. My family has Scottish and Irish lineage and I couldn’t think of a more appropriate event to start this process of collecting petitions to participate in the democratic process. We were able to have civil and respectful conversations with hundreds of people from all different backgrounds and fortunate to have 200 of those individuals sign our petition so that I can participate on the ballot in 2020. I really cannot speak highly enough of this event and all of it’s participants and the wonderful people of district 6.” 

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